privacyIDEA will be at the Ohio Linuxfest 2019. Learn how to add 2FA to your preferred application.
On Sunday February 3rd I will give a talk how you can use privacyIDEA to add enterprise grade multi factor authentication to ownCloud. privacyIDEA is easy. And flexible. It is probably the most flexible open source multi factor authentication systems around. And some scenarios are easy. So easy that you […]
With privacyIDEA 2.22 we added the possibility to pass more useful userinformation to a RADIUS client like a VPN. The administrator can add a policy to include the resolver and the realm of a user who authenticated successfully. This response data can then be used in the FreeRADIUS plugin and modified by regular expressions to add any arbitrary RADIUS attribute in the RADIUS response, which then would be sent to the VPN. This additional information can be used by Cisco ASA, Citrix Netscaler or any other enterprise grade VPN to put the user into certain subnets or to assign resource to the user.
We are at Tübix 2017 and doing a workshop about adding a 2nd Factor to your applications. If you can not attend or if you want to try this at home afterwards, here is what we will do! Setup ucs.tuebix.intranet (LDAP) Univention Corporate Server 4.2 privacyidea.tuebix.intranet, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS […]
Get involved! In March we will have a booth at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage (March 11th and 12th). Chemnitzer Linuxtage is the biggest yearly Linux event in Germany with about 3000 visitors. At the booth we will have a demo installation of privacyIDEA, different token types like Yubikeys, U2F devices, Nitrokeys or […]
Cornelius will give a workshop to add privacyIDEA App to Nextcloud to secure the login process at Nextcloud with a 2nd factor. This will occur at the Nextcloud conference in Berlin in September. Since the 2nd factors can be managed within privacyIDEA, these can also be used throughout the complete […]
There will be a privacyIDEA talk in German language in Kiel on September, 16th. Kielux is a small Linux and Opensource conference in the very northern part of Germany. There are several talks, workshops and also a small exhibition. So come a listen, what is new in privacyIDEA and how […]
Cornelius will give a talk at the ownCloud contributor conference in Berlin on September 11th. Authentication at ownCloud has gone a long way. In version 9.1 finally a new API was introduced to add a second factor. Although the problem is still, that authentication can not be completely passed to […]
Cornelius will give a talk about what’s new in privacyIDEA at the tübix in Tübingen. This will be things like: Event handler to trigger certain actions depending on events Improved certificate support Editable user resolvers – even in LDAP Improvements in the WebUI and policies Easy Migration with RADIUS passthru […]
I gave a talk about privacyIDEA at T-Dose 2015. The T-Dose has a wide spectrum of talks. At certain times there were 8 (eight!) tracks: talks, discussions, workshops and LPI exams. See the video of my talk about privacyIDEA. Watch this video on YouTube.