The integration of privacyIDEA with Keycloak to provide a solid basis to secure your applications with a second factor in a single sign-on (SSO) environment. For maximum flexibility, the system relies on standard protocols such as SAML or OpenID Connect (OIDC). This article shows exemplarily the integration of Keykcloak, privacyIDEA and Kolab.
3 posts
privacyIDEA will be at the Ohio Linuxfest 2019. Learn how to add 2FA to your preferred application.
This blog article describes, how you can add two factor authentication to your web application using the authentication system privacyIDEA. Two factor authentication has been added this way to ownCloud/Nextcloud, OTRS, dokuwiki, WordPress, TYPO3, Django, Kopano (Zarafa) and SimpleSAMLphp. See the plugin section of the privacyIDEA online documentation. Two different […]