privacyIDEA 2.18 is out! privacyIDEA Authentication System privacyIDEA is an authentication system. Quite a while ago we started to drop the sole OTP statement. privacyIDEA is managing authentication objects. Yes, a classical OTP key fob token is an object a user can use to authenticate. As is a smartphone. But […]
Today we released privacyIDEA 2.12. Certificates and Hardware Security Modules The certificate handling in privacyIDEA was improved. Administrators can now enroll a certificate token for a user and also generate the RSA key pair. Users can download the certificate and the private key as a PKCS12/PFX container. This is useful […]
We just released privacyIDEA 2.3. privacyIDEA is moving towards a central point to manage authentication items. This was done by adding the machine concept, SSH keys, using Yubikeys for booting LUKS and now by adding the possibility to manage certificates. privacyIDEA acts as a central control room to manage all […]
privacyIDEA has started as a backend system for One Time Passwords. But as you might have noticed, it moves more and more to a system, that manages many different devices, identities and ways to authenticate a user. After the initial Fork many new authentication aspects have been added. The Yubikey […]