privacyIDEA 2.14 released – Event Handling and Performance Improvements

New Version 2.14 of privacyIDEA comes with better event handling and performance optimization

Today we released privacyIDEA 2.14 just as planned in regards to our Milestones on Github.

PGP encrypted Seed Files

Seed Files can be transmitted and imported in a PGP encrypted way. This eases the transport of those files from the token vendor to your installation. You can create a unique PGP key pair for your privacyIDEA installation and hand the public key to the token distributor. The seed file does not need to be decrypted. Just import the encrypted seed file.

Event Handler for user with enhanced functionality

Then we enhanced the Event Handler Framework. User notifications can be sent based on administrators and user actions. You may define a detailed manner under which conditions the events will trigger an action. The UserNotification Event Handler has the conditions: realm, login-type (user or admin), result-value and token-locked. This way the user can be notified on failed authentication requests or if the token is locked.

Better performance for high user numbers or slow networks

The lookup of the LDAP resolver was heavily improved. Also the program cycles during authentication requests were optimized.

You can see the complete changelog on github.

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