privacyIDEA will have a stand at FrOSCon on Augsut 20th/21st. Come and see and discuss new features and ideas of privacyIDEA. Also Cornelius will give a talk about all new features in privacyIDEA. He is already thinking about, what nice things he can show this year. You might remember his […]
Yes I know. And I also always said, please do not use SMS for two factor authentication. Rely on a decent piece of hardware. Although you should stop using text for two factor authentication, privacyIDEA supports text messages or SMS besides a long list of other token types. Text message […]
privacyIDEA has a new logo. The new logo provides the name of “privacyIDEA” but also a badge, that can work for its own. The tipped over ID is the basic element of the logo and you are welcome to see in it, what you wish to. Dark design As most of […]
Today we released privacyIDEA 2.12. Certificates and Hardware Security Modules The certificate handling in privacyIDEA was improved. Administrators can now enroll a certificate token for a user and also generate the RSA key pair. Users can download the certificate and the private key as a PKCS12/PFX container. This is useful […]
As you might have realized we planned privacyIDEA Release 2.12 for these days. But due to several reasons it is delayed. We found a nasty bug this week, which required our attention. Support for Nitrokey We are talking a lot to Nitrokey, since it is a great idea to combine transparent, […]
Security Modules The security module is the module in privacyIDEA that is responsible for encrypting information. The default security module uses the file /etc/privacyidea/enckey, which is specified in pi.cfg. The enckey contains the encryption keys for encrypting the otp secret keys and also password, like for the LDAP connection. The […]
This weekend (March 19th, 2016) privacyIDEA was awarded the Thomas Krenn Award at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage in Chemnitz, Germany. The company Thomas Krenn offers a wide variety of Linux compatible server hardware. As they also rely on Linux and provide certain monitoring solutions, they donate this price to reward outstanding […]
Today we have pleasure in announcing the release of privacyIDEA 2.10. In this release the two factor authentication solution privacyIDEA eases the lives of the users. Self Registration and Password Reset privacyIDEA comes with a new policy scope “register”. If this policy is set new users may create a new […]
At the moment we are working on privacyIDEA 2.10. privacyIDEA 2.10 is about user self registration. The classical concept of privacyIDEA was: You have a user database – a user store – and privacyIDEA just reads this user store. In classical scenarios such as the enterprise environment with the Active […]
We started the work on privacyIDEA 2.10. The central idea with privacyIDEA 2.10 is the user self registration. This allows previously unkown users to register with privacyIDEA. I.e. during this process a new user account is created. privacyIDEA service This can be used for different scenarios. At the moment privacyIDEA connects […]