Just like the year before privacyIDEA will have a stand at the “Linuxtage” on March 10th and 11th in Chemnitz. Roughly two thousand people attend this event every year in March in Chemnitz, Germany. privacyIDEA will have a community stand and on Sunday we will provie a workshop. Come and […]
A bug in the WebUI can lead to disclosure of the credentials of previously logged in users. Under certain conditions a local, physical attacker can get access to passwords of previously logged in users from the WebUI. Details Preconditions This problem occurs, if the following conditions apply: A logged in […]
You want to use two factor authentication for all your users? But you are always wondering how you should enroll an authentication device to every single of your users? Existing solutions do not provide convenient ways to equip thousands of users easily with a second factor? Using automated processes with […]
We are happy to announce that the privacyIDEA project will have a stand at FOSDEM 2018. privacyIDEA acts as the central authentication system for two factor authentication in your network. Other applications can be connected to privacyIDEA to improve their login security. These applications can connect using standard protocols like […]
The new version privacyIDEA 2.20 was just released. It is available via the Ubuntu Launchpad Repositories for 14.04LTS and 16.04LTS and via the python package index. You can read more about it at NetKnights.
Some days ago, we released the new version 2.19 of the privacyIDEA authentication system. As explained in the release notes, we worked on improving the performance of authentication requests and managed to reduce the time needed to handle one authentication request by up to 71%! If such claims make you […]
In the past we had a somehow reluctant attitude to biometric authentication. Fingerprints and iris scan could only replace the username, not the password. But after several month of research stackoverflow came up with a what we think easy to use and reliable biometric authentication mechanism. This is why in version 3 […]
privacyIDEA 2.18 is out! privacyIDEA Authentication System privacyIDEA is an authentication system. Quite a while ago we started to drop the sole OTP statement. privacyIDEA is managing authentication objects. Yes, a classical OTP key fob token is an object a user can use to authenticate. As is a smartphone. But […]
Get involved! In March we will have a booth at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage (March 11th and 12th). Chemnitzer Linuxtage is the biggest yearly Linux event in Germany with about 3000 visitors. At the booth we will have a demo installation of privacyIDEA, different token types like Yubikeys, U2F devices, Nitrokeys or […]
privacyIDEA won the first place in the Open Source Business Award. The Open Source Business Award – also called OSBAR – is an award by the Open Source Business Alliance to honour innovative Open Source projects. The projects are rated by a jury by all kind of attributes like maturety, documentation […]