
31 posts

Two-Factor-Authentication with OTP on CentOS 7

Attention: This HowTo is outdated! There is an improved HowTo included in the privacyIDEA documentation This Howto describes the setup of privacyIDEA on CentOS 7 including a FreeRADIUS 3 configuration. This Howto is provided by Patrick Hirschbühl. Thanks a lot for this contribution! privacyIDEA + MySQL on CentOS 7 Minimal […]

Getting help

Providing sufficient information and asking the right question is half the way of getting help successfully. This is true for getting help for privacyIDEA on the mailing list, in a support contract and also with any commercial product. This is why the first question of the kind woman in the call center […]

Managing Users

privacyIDEA has always assumed that the authentication will be used in an existing network on top of an existing application. Looking at a corporate network or at any application like your blog software, your VPN, your local login, there are always users. Users already exist. So I guess the assumption […]