
160 posts

Version 2 in master branch

The migration process is well. Today I merged the version2 branch to the master branch. So go an visit the github repo. Check out privacyIDEA 2.0(dev) like this: git clone cd privacyidea virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt ./ createdb ./ addadmin admin@localhost admin ./ runserver If […]

Migration phase

Hi, at the moment we are not producing so much code as you might have realized on github. privacyIDEA is still based on pylons, which is a rather old python framework and which is not actively developed anymore. Therefor, at the moment I am investigating new possibilities where to migrate […]

privacyIDEA admin client 1.4

We released privacyIDEA admin client version 1.4. It comes with a cute zshell completion which gives you information on commands and subcommands and parameters: cornelius@puckel ~/src/privacyideaadm (git)-[master] % privacyidea token init –type                                                completing token type dpw                   — Daily changing password email                 — email token hmac                  — HOTP token, event based […]

privacyIDEA 1.4 released

Today we released privacyIDEA 1.4. It adds a simple simpleSAMLphp setup by providing the debian package simplesamlphp-privacyidea in the ppa-repository. Under the hood we improved the test suite and Add QR enrollment of mOTP token (Token2) Add “wrong password” message on login screen Add helper dialog to easily setup first […]

privacyIDEA 1.3.2 released

Today we released privacyIDEA 1.3.2. Get it via pypi, github or launchpad. These new features where introduced: Add uwsgi and nginx configuration. Add nginx ubuntu package. Add ubuntu meta packages to easily install radius dependencies. Add package for appliance Add privacyidea-otrs and remove the authmodules from the core package Thus […]

docker image of privacyIDEA

We are experimenting with docker and provide a self contained privacyIDEA image for docker. The build environment is located at github. Please note, that this is the first draft which can be used to checkout privacyIDEA. If your distribution provides docker, you can get a machine up and running like […]