Attention: This HowTo is outdated! There is an improved HowTo included in the privacyIDEA documentation This Howto describes the setup of privacyIDEA on CentOS 7 including a FreeRADIUS 3 configuration. This Howto is provided by Patrick Hirschbühl. Thanks a lot for this contribution! privacyIDEA + MySQL on CentOS 7 Minimal […]
We just released privacyIDEA 2.7. This version contains one big new feature and several enhancements, which hopefully ease your daily life. We added U2F support, that can be used at the moment by administrators and users to login to the privacyIDEA Web UI. Enrolling the U2F token is easy just […]
privacyIDEA will be at OpenRheinRuhr in Oberhausen at November 7th/8th. There will be a stand in the exhibition and we also planned to provide a privacyIDEA workshop to get you up and running easily.
A bug in the policy module prevents authenticating with a serial number. Affected version: privacyIDEA 2.6 Propability: High Security Severity: Low Technical Background privacyIDEA allows to authenticate with a username or a token serial number. I.e. the API can do a POST /validate/check user=username pass=PIN+OTP or a POST /validate/check serial=serialnumber […]
Today privacyIDEA version 2.6 was released. This release eases the way of authentication by providing a new token TiQR. The TiQR token is based on the OCRA protocol, which is a challenge response protocol, that can be used to authenticate or to sign transaction data. The TiQR token is a […]
A bug in the LDAP Resolver can lead to unauthorized access as an LDAP user. Under certain conditions a rogue user can login as an LDAP user to the privacyIDEA web UI or guess a static password part during authentication when the policy scope=authentication, otppin=userstore is used. Details Preconditions This problem […]
You are using two factor authentication to improve your security or to fullfill certain needs? You may now take security to the next level as privacyIDEA will support a 4 eyes principle starting with version 2.6. We just pushed the implementation to the development branch. Using this new meta token you can […]
September, 18th and 19th / Kiel, Germany privacyIDEA will be at Kielux at the exhibition. There will also be a Workshop, where you get a ready installed privacyIDEA setup to play with. Get a free Yubikey to test two factor authentication and check all possibilities you get with privacyIDEA. You […]
privacyIDEA has been at FrOSCon on August, 22nd and 2rd 2015 in St. Augustin, Germany. On Sunday Cornelius gave a talk (German) about control and getting back into control about your software, your keys and your data. He talked about new features in privacyIDEA, brewed a coffee for the guys […]
We just released privacyIDEA admin client 2.5. The admin client already provided an easy way to enroll a bunch of yubikeys by initializing them one after another. Running privacyidea -U https://your.PI.server -a admin token yubikey_mass_enroll you are able to plugin a yubikey, wait for the admin client to initilize it within […]