Today I added the crypto considerations to the FAQ section of the privacyIDEA documentation. Users who might want to use privacyIDEA will wonder how crypto is handled. So this makes it easier for them to get a first impression without having to study the source code. In fact this is also a […]
At the moment we are working on privacyIDEA 2.10. privacyIDEA 2.10 is about user self registration. The classical concept of privacyIDEA was: You have a user database – a user store – and privacyIDEA just reads this user store. In classical scenarios such as the enterprise environment with the Active […]
We started the work on privacyIDEA 2.10. The central idea with privacyIDEA 2.10 is the user self registration. This allows previously unkown users to register with privacyIDEA. I.e. during this process a new user account is created. privacyIDEA service This can be used for different scenarios. At the moment privacyIDEA connects […]
We are proud to announce the availability of privacyIDEA 2.9. Features Yubico Validation Protocol Version 2.9 comes with support for the Yubico Validation Protocol. This way you can use common Yubico client like the PAM module for Mac OS. privacyIDEA’s yubico validation protocol can be reached via /ttype/yubikey. For more […]
I gave a talk about privacyIDEA at T-Dose 2015. The T-Dose has a wide spectrum of talks. At certain times there were 8 (eight!) tracks: talks, discussions, workshops and LPI exams. See the video of my talk about privacyIDEA. Watch this video on YouTube.
In the privacyIDEA youtube channel, you can see a new video about the new U2F Features in the latest release 2.8. Watch this video on YouTube. This way you can add two factor authentication with cheap and easy to use U2F devices to your network. You can implement the SAML […]
We are happy to announce that we released privacyIDEA 2.8 with great improvements in U2F and SAML. Features U2F authentication at other services privacyIDEA was heavily improved as far as U2F is concerned. privacyIDEA can now take trusted facets, so that you can use the U2F token, that you registered with privacyIDEA […]
privacyIDEA was at the OpenRheinRuhr on November 7/8, 2015 and I conducted a workshop about privacyIDEA. This year I thought of something special for the privacyIDEA booth. Many people were always wondering: “what is privacyIDEA?” “Is it a firewall?”, “Is it a VPN?”, “Where do I need to install it?” The network setup […]
Two factor authentication or multi factor authentication is ment to raise the bar for attackers. They ought to sniff, brute-force or social-engineer your password and in addition steal or “borrow” your hardware token for a “test”. Still, I wish to think that the Yubikey – being the product of originally a sole Swedish company […]
This blog will show how you can use privacyIDEA to secure your SSH login. In this case users need to provide an SSH Key and in addition an OTP token and an optional password. Thus you have the following authentication factors: SSH Key (soft possession factor – copyable!) optional passphrase on […]