As you might have realized we planned privacyIDEA Release 2.12 for these days. But due to several reasons it is delayed. We found a nasty bug this week, which required our attention. Support for Nitrokey We are talking a lot to Nitrokey, since it is a great idea to combine transparent, […]
A bug in the passOnNoUser policy allows authentication with an arbitrary password. Affected version: up to privacyIDEA 2.11.2 Propability: Medium Security Severity: High Technical Background The passOnNoUser policy is supposed to check if an authenticating user exists. If the user exists, normal authentication is performed. If the user does not exist in the user […]
Security Modules The security module is the module in privacyIDEA that is responsible for encrypting information. The default security module uses the file /etc/privacyidea/enckey, which is specified in pi.cfg. The enckey contains the encryption keys for encrypting the otp secret keys and also password, like for the LDAP connection. The […]
Today we released privacyIDEA 2.11. You can download privacyIDEA from Github, install it from the python package index or via the launchpad repository on Ubuntu 14.04. Updating an Ubuntu installation from launchpad works out of the box. When updating a pip installation, please note that a new database table was […]
This weekend (March 19th, 2016) privacyIDEA was awarded the Thomas Krenn Award at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage in Chemnitz, Germany. The company Thomas Krenn offers a wide variety of Linux compatible server hardware. As they also rely on Linux and provide certain monitoring solutions, they donate this price to reward outstanding […]
Dmitri Pal blogged about the offline functionalities of the SSSD with RHEL 7.2. These SSSD offline functionalities is intended to increase performance to not contact the IdM server all the time. I wonder if the timeout can not only set to some seconds but also to go offline with the client. […]
Today we have pleasure in announcing the release of privacyIDEA 2.10. In this release the two factor authentication solution privacyIDEA eases the lives of the users. Self Registration and Password Reset privacyIDEA comes with a new policy scope “register”. If this policy is set new users may create a new […]
privacyIDEA will be at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage (CLT2016) on March 19th and 20th, 2016. Biggest German Linux Event The CLT is the biggest Linux event in Germany with roughly 3000 visitors and 90 talks. Cornelius will give a talk about privacyIDEA on Saturday. This time it will be an organizational talk. If […]
Today is the Data Privacy Day. In Europe it is called Data Protection Day. Data Privacy Day This day is foremost ment to sensitize companies and users to take care when handling with private data. Especially in social media. But you can not devide your social life from your work […]
With SMS OTP a one time password is sent to a mobile phone. The user is supposed to enter this one time password in addition to his static password. This way, the authenticating party thinks to verify, that the user is in the possession of the mobile phone. This is […]