There is a new Howto at, that describes how you can secure your wordpress login using privacyIDEA.
Cornelius Kölbel
Please note: This howto is outdated. It refers to a rather old version of privacyIDEA. Please read the install documentation at readthedocs. Starting with privacyIDEA 1.2 a debian package for Ubuntu 14.04 is availble. Please note, that you will not be able to install it on 12.04, since there would […]
Today privacyIDEA 1.2 was released. You can get it at pypi or github tag v1.2 or NEW! as Ubuntu package on a launchpad repository. There are some interesting new features – we will release a howto on this soon: Added functionality to assign tokens to client machines including application type […]
There are some good howtos around, so that you may already have secured your SSH login to your single server using Google Authenticator as described here. Or did you set up a Yubico validation server and configured Yubikey authentication for a bunch of hosts via RADIUS? Today I will show […]
We published a new howto for setting up privacyIDEA to handle the strong authentication in a server farm. Have fun and be authentic 😉
A new idea is born. It started with a paper I wrote about using LinOTP – the ancestor of privacyIDEA – as a mangement system for Yubikey in challenge response that would be used in conjunction with LUKS. The tool to use the Yubikey to protect the encrypted Linux harddisk […]
Today privacyIDEA 1.1 was released. You can get it at pypi or github tag v1.1. The changes are in documentation and usability to make it easier for you to get started: Added documentation and UI-context-help. In many dialogs we added a small question-mark icon that will take you directly to […]
On June 18th I was surprised by the simple comment, that I could not edit anymore. I used to host privacyIDEA on as a platform to promote the project. Hm, what is the use of such a platform if it is readable but not searchable and sortable? The search […]
It is always important to know what to do. This is why Cornelius is working on a better documentation at the moment. This is milestone 1.1 on github. The documentation holds to the design of the webUI, i.e. you will get documentation on every dialog of the webUI. We are […]