Two Factor Authentication everywhere – This time at the Ohio Linuxfest

Columbus skyline, Ohio

privacyIDEA is the Open Source Two Factor solution that runs at a central location in your network and can work as the 2FA instance for all your applications. privacyIDEA provides plugins for several applications directly (like WordPress, ownCloud, TYPO3, django, contao…) but also has plugins to serve standart authentication protocols like PAM, RADIUS, SAML2 and OpenID Connect.

You have the chance to use privacyIDEA everywhere – with every application.

Cornelius will give a talk about how privacyIDEA can be integrated with your preferred application at the Ohio Linuxfest in Columbus, Ohio. Your preferred application can be either connected via the before mentioned protocols or via the privacyIDEA REST API. In this talk you can learn, how this can be achieve to use a secure login with your own or preferred application.

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